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NeetoChat Setup
NeetoChat Widget
Customizing Chat Widget
Widget Installation & Usage
Installation using JavaScript snippet
Installation & frameworks
Skip pre-chat email question for logged-in users
Using JavaScript to control NeetoChat widget
Open a NeetoKB Article in the widget
Inbox section
Inbox section
Assign an agent to a conversation
Inbox views
Custom view
Create a ticket on NeetoDesk
Download chat history
Close a conversation
Reopen a closed conversation
Add private note to a conversation
Supported attachments file types
Adding a KB Article
Mentionmember in the conversation
Understanding ticket statuses in NeetoChat
Visitors and leads
Creating a new column
Adding a new segment
Chat reports
Admin Panel
Widget Settings
Customize Widget
Pre chat questions
Post chat questions
Change the color of your widget
Widget Mode: Knowledge Base
Widget Mode: Hidden mode
Control visibility of the widget
Chatbot Settings
Chatbot overview
Adding and managing workflows
Node types
Mapped fields
Outbound Notification
Visitor notification of unread messages
Adding a Ticket tag
Adding a Contact tag
Canned Responses
Business hours
Greeting visitor
Automation Rules
Creating a custom status in NeetoChat
Status of Agents
Workload management
Toggle chat availability
Audit logs
Member Settings
Add new team member
Manage team member role
Edit team member details
Manage team members
Removing a team member
Slack integration
Zapier integration
GitHub Integration
Microsoft Teams Integration
Agent Notification
Notification preferences
IP Restriction
IP Restriction
Adding an individual IP to allowed IP range
Custom domains
Custom domains
Public API
API Keys
Managing webhook deliveries
Spam Prevention
Rate limits to prevent spam
Change workspace name
Workspace settings
Changing favicon
Changing subdomain
Delete your account/workspace
Search for articles
Change workspace name